A recently released documentary created by a hospice educator and fourth grade teacher. They joined forces for this creative journey which “sheds light on the 21st century American struggle with communication and preparation at the...
Read moreWhat Would You Do If You Did Not Fear Death?
Death awareness, recognizing that death comes for everyone, is an area humanity struggles with, especially in this day and age. As the following post describes, those who have deeply ingrained spiritual practices will often have a more...
Read moreHospice in Prison!
The video trailer above is from a film about hospice care for prison inmates To see a full screen view click HERE
Read moreDoes Physician & Hospital Profit Drive End-of-Life Care?
Hospitals and doctors make more money by aggressively treating terminal patients than by keeping them free of pain and letting them die with dignity. Some doctors derisively call the practice “flogging” — as in, beating a dead horse. Medicare...
Read moreEnd Of Life Spiritual Care: A Pathway to Growth and Peace
In the following online post, Rev. Dr. Walter J. Smith presents a general overview as to the power and need for spiritual care for the dying. As he describes, spiritual care can potentially be provided by any visitor. This concept is one that...
Read moreHospice Wedding…Really!
When Suzanne Weldon and Donald Morr were married, the moment was bittersweet. As two violinists played “Canon in D” by Pachabel, Morr stood beside his bride, a bouquet of calla lilies in her lap, her body riddled with terminal cancer, and...
Read moreYou Don’t Have to Believe in Heaven to Find Life after Death
When people first think about what will happen after one dies, it is usually in relationship to the afterlife. Is there an afterlife and what does it look like? While this is a deeply spiritual question that much ink has been spilled over, when...
Read moreDocumentary Trailer on WWII Veterans
A highly emotive video of a documentary being released in November 2011
Read moreAnother Baseball Player Chooses Hospice
Harmon Killebrew announced Friday that he no longer plans to fight his esophageal cancer and has settled in for the final days of his life, saddening friends and fans of the 74-year-old Hall of Fame slugger. Killebrew said: “I have spent the past...
Read moreWhat’s More Important to You, Quality or Quantity of Life?
Rabbi Bryan Kinzbrunner — I have been following with interest the story of Desmond Watson, an 87-year-old who has advanced dementia and has been in the hospital in Canada for 14 months. He was admitted to the hospital in January 2010 with...
Read more“Harvest” New Film Deals with Aging and Hospice
Harvest (2011): Gathered one summer in a beautiful shoreline town, three generations are drawn together by their patriarch, played by Oscar (R) Nominee Robert Loggia. With endearing moments of humor and uplifting spirit, HARVEST is a portrait of...
Read moreTalking Hospice
Sharon Criscione, Clinical Director of Stein Hospice talks hospice to a group of seniors at Franklin Senior Center. Behind the table is Volunteer Coordinator, Sara Culang.
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